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Vapor-Mark IV

Contact: Brian G. Richter
6420 W. Howard Street, Niles, IL, 60714

Vapor-Mark IV has been in the steam generator business since the 1930's. At this time we offer two product lines ...\r\n* Va-Power Products ... fossil fuel fired\r\n* HSI, Hydro Steam Indistries ... electric fired\r\nThe Va-Power Group offers 2 lines of steam generators. A once through type from 18-300 BHP & design pressures to 3100 PSIG and a recirulatic type from 75-600 BHP & design pressures to 530 PSIG. Va-Power also has a line of Hot Oil Heaters to 20,000,000 BTU/hr.\r\nThe Hydro Steam Industries Group is a leading supplier of electric boilers worldwide. Including voltage electrode boilers up to 167,000 lb/hr and a standard line of electric steam & hot water boilers. Design pressures up to 1635 PSIG.

6420 W. Howard Street, Niles, IL, 60714


Vapor-Mark IV has been in the steam generator business since the 1930's. At this time we offer two product lines ...\r\n* Va-Power Products ... fossil fuel fired\r\n* HSI, Hydro Steam Indistries ... electric fired\r\nThe Va-Power Group offers 2 lines of steam generators. A once through type from 18-300 BHP & design pressures to 3100 PSIG and a recirulatic type from 75-600 BHP & design pressures to 530 PSIG. Va-Power also has a line of Hot Oil Heaters to 20,000,000 BTU/hr.\r\nThe Hydro Steam Industries Group is a leading supplier of electric boilers worldwide. Including voltage electrode boilers up to 167,000 lb/hr and a standard line of electric steam & hot water boilers. Design pressures up to 1635 PSIG.



  • Electric & Fossil Fuel Fired Steam Boilers
  • Hot Oil Heaters
  • Steam Generators- Once Through & Recirculatic
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