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UCAR Graph-Tech

Contact: Linda Barita
P.O. Box 94637, Cleveland, OH, 44101-4637

Leading manufacturer of graphite and carbon products for industrial applications in a diverse array of industries: metal production, electronics, chemicals, aerospace, and transportation among others. Our products which include graphite and carbon electrodes, graphite specialties, carbon specialties, cathode blocks and GRAFOIL Flexible graphite, are maufactured on 4 continents and sold in over 80 countries around the world.

P.O. Box 94637, Cleveland, OH, 44101-4637


Leading manufacturer of graphite and carbon products for industrial applications in a diverse array of industries: metal production, electronics, chemicals, aerospace, and transportation among others. Our products which include graphite and carbon electrodes, graphite specialties, carbon specialties, cathode blocks and GRAFOIL Flexible graphite, are maufactured on 4 continents and sold in over 80 countries around the world.



  • Carbon and Graphite Bearings
  • Carbon Graphite Seal Faces
  • Carbon Graphite Seals/Rings
  • Flexible Graphite Gaskets
  • Flexible Graphite Mechanical Packing
  • Gasketing Material
  • Gaskets
  • Grafoil Flexible Gaskets
  • Graphite Compounds: Bearing & Sealing Applications
  • Graphite Packing
  • Packing, Mechanical
  • Valve Stem Packing
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