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RSG Technologies

Contact: J.R. Lapointe
29 Industrial Park Drive, Dover, NH, 3820

RSG-Technologies, Inc. is the exclusive agent for the ICEsonic brand of dry ice blasting and cleaning systems in the Americas. \r\n\r\nDRY ICE BLASTING PROCESS\r\nThe process involves three distinct steps:\r\nEnergy Transfer - Dry ice particles (CO2 pellets) are propelled from a blasting gun to impact and clean a surface. \r\nMicro-Thermal Shock - Temperature shock and kinetic energy of dry ice pellets, and the air pressure break the bond between the coating and the substrate. \r\nGas Pressure - Dry ice expands to 400 times as it evaporates causing the coating to pop off from inside out, and the air stream removes it from the surface. \r\n\r\nThe dry ice leaves no residue or secondary waste stream.\r\n\r\nBENEFITS OF DRY ICE BLASTING\r\nAdvantages of dry ice blasting over cleaning methods like sandblasting, solvents, steam cleaning include: \r\nReduced Labor Hours\r\nDecreased Downtime - cleans in-place, faster, more thoroughly and at high temperatures\r\nElimination of Equipment Damage - no surface etching/wearing; no grit/water entrapment\r\nReduction in Waste Disposal - creates no secondary waste\r\nReduced Costs - cumulative costs-savings can be extremely significant\r\nElimination or Reduction of Solvents \r\nIncreased Safety \r\n\r\nAPPLICATIONS\r\nDry ice blasting is used in a variety of industries including:\r\nDisaster Recovery\r\nElectrical\r\nFood Processing\r\nGeneral maintenance\r\nHazmat minimization\r\nMarine\r\nPharmaceutical\r\nPetrochemical\r\nPlastics/Rubber\r\nPlease visit our website,, for further details.\r\n\r\nICESONIC DRY ICE BLASTING SYSTEMS\r\nThe ICEsonic Brand of Dry Ice Blasting and Cleaning Systems are the most economical on the market, both in initial cost and in continued use. Because of design and manufacturing efficiencies, ICEsonic has been able to keep production and overhead costs low. ICEsonic does not spend enormous amounts of money on unnecessary advertising and does not have layer upon layer of marketing and distribution. Therefore, you save up to 50% or more over the price of competitors' models.

29 Industrial Park Drive, Dover, NH, 3820


RSG-Technologies, Inc. is the exclusive agent for the ICEsonic brand of dry ice blasting and cleaning systems in the Americas. \r\n\r\nDRY ICE BLASTING PROCESS\r\nThe process involves three distinct steps:\r\nEnergy Transfer - Dry ice particles (CO2 pellets) are propelled from a blasting gun to impact and clean a surface. \r\nMicro-Thermal Shock - Temperature shock and kinetic energy of dry ice pellets, and the air pressure break the bond between the coating and the substrate. \r\nGas Pressure - Dry ice expands to 400 times as it evaporates causing the coating to pop off from inside out, and the air stream removes it from the surface. \r\n\r\nThe dry ice leaves no residue or secondary waste stream.\r\n\r\nBENEFITS OF DRY ICE BLASTING\r\nAdvantages of dry ice blasting over cleaning methods like sandblasting, solvents, steam cleaning include: \r\nReduced Labor Hours\r\nDecreased Downtime - cleans in-place, faster, more thoroughly and at high temperatures\r\nElimination of Equipment Damage - no surface etching/wearing; no grit/water entrapment\r\nReduction in Waste Disposal - creates no secondary waste\r\nReduced Costs - cumulative costs-savings can be extremely significant\r\nElimination or Reduction of Solvents \r\nIncreased Safety \r\n\r\nAPPLICATIONS\r\nDry ice blasting is used in a variety of industries including:\r\nDisaster Recovery\r\nElectrical\r\nFood Processing\r\nGeneral maintenance\r\nHazmat minimization\r\nMarine\r\nPharmaceutical\r\nPetrochemical\r\nPlastics/Rubber\r\nPlease visit our website,, for further details.\r\n\r\nICESONIC DRY ICE BLASTING SYSTEMS\r\nThe ICEsonic Brand of Dry Ice Blasting and Cleaning Systems are the most economical on the market, both in initial cost and in continued use. Because of design and manufacturing efficiencies, ICEsonic has been able to keep production and overhead costs low. ICEsonic does not spend enormous amounts of money on unnecessary advertising and does not have layer upon layer of marketing and distribution. Therefore, you save up to 50% or more over the price of competitors' models.



  • Cleaning, Dry Ice Blasting
  • Pellet Blast Cleaning - CO2 (Dry Ice)
  • Surface Preparation, Dry Ice Blasting
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