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Roy E. Hanson Jr.

Contact: Steve Eszeki
1924 Compton Ave., Los Angeles, CA, 90011

Hanson Tank (Roy E. Hanson Jr. Mfg.) is a major U.S. manufacturer of carbon steel pressure vessels built to the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Sect VIII, Div I. Founded in 1932 the company manufactures and ships over 15,000 pressure vessels, with a value of over ten million dollars, annually to destinations all over the world.

1924 Compton Ave., Los Angeles, CA, 90011


Hanson Tank (Roy E. Hanson Jr. Mfg.) is a major U.S. manufacturer of carbon steel pressure vessels built to the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Sect VIII, Div I. Founded in 1932 the company manufactures and ships over 15,000 pressure vessels, with a value of over ten million dollars, annually to destinations all over the world.



  • Air Receivers
  • ASME Pressure Vessels
  • ASME Pressure Vessels
  • ASME Pressure Vessels
  • Autoclaves
  • Bullets (Butane, Propane, etc.)
  • Carbon Steel Pressure Vessels
  • Glass-Lined Reactors
  • Glass-Lined Vessels
  • Lined Tanks & Vessels: Glass, Cement, Epoxy, TFE
  • Pressure Vessels, Heavy Wall Carbon Steel
  • Refrigeration Freon Tanks
  • Tanks, PTFE Lined
  • Vessels, Pressure
* Teflon is a registered trademark of DuPont