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The Fastest way to find Industrial Suppliers

Just Got Faster


Resources, Inc.

Contact: Walter Brandl
6382 Dufferin Avenue, Burnaby, BritishColumbia, V5H 3T1

Technology providing reclamation of rubber from all sources through our process. Scrap tires and other rubber material can now be fully utilized for reuse. The past four years have proven that rubber from our process has successfully been used for re treading of tires and other products. Our technology and processes permits use of rubber from a current factor of 15% to over 60%++. All data and added information, including lab results from Dayton, Ohio are available. We are currently seeking companies and individual entrepreneurs to implement this technology to its fullest in their respective areas. Thank You.

6382 Dufferin Avenue, Burnaby, BritishColumbia, V5H 3T1


Technology providing reclamation of rubber from all sources through our process. Scrap tires and other rubber material can now be fully utilized for reuse. The past four years have proven that rubber from our process has successfully been used for re treading of tires and other products. Our technology and processes permits use of rubber from a current factor of 15% to over 60%++. All data and added information, including lab results from Dayton, Ohio are available. We are currently seeking companies and individual entrepreneurs to implement this technology to its fullest in their respective areas. Thank You.



  • Reclamation of Rubber from all sources
* Teflon is a registered trademark of DuPont