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Plant Automation
Services, Inc.

Contact: Randy Davis
16511 Space Center Blvd.,Ste.600, Houston, TX, 77062

Plant Automation Services, Inc. is an advanced engineering solutions provider to process plants in the area of distributed control systems (DCS), emergency shutdown systems (ESD), and advanced controls (APC).\r\n\r\nPAS employees provide value-added services and products that help our clients realize economic, safety, and environmental benefits through automation. PAS specializes in the implementation, enhancement, and maintenance of TDC3000(1) systems.

16511 Space Center Blvd.,Ste.600, Houston, TX, 77062


Plant Automation Services, Inc. is an advanced engineering solutions provider to process plants in the area of distributed control systems (DCS), emergency shutdown systems (ESD), and advanced controls (APC).\r\n\r\nPAS employees provide value-added services and products that help our clients realize economic, safety, and environmental benefits through automation. PAS specializes in the implementation, enhancement, and maintenance of TDC3000(1) systems.



  • Data Management Software-"DOC3000"
  • Distributed Control Systems
  • Documentation Management Software-"DOC3000"
  • Emergency Shutdown Control Systems
  • ESD Emergency Shutdown Panels
  • Plant Automation Software-"DOC3000"
  • Programmable Logic Controllers
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