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The Fastest way to find Industrial Suppliers

Just Got Faster


Pipeline Supply

Contact: Xavi Thekkath
post box.1896, postal code 112, ruwi, muscat, muscat, na, na

Representatives and distributors for world renowned manufacturers for products pertaining the "oil and gas industry" and Water industry.Products dealt by us include valves, instruments, pipe fittings, gaskets, pigging items, compressors,isolating joints, expansion joints, bellows, flanges, blinds, orifice plates, pumps, pipe supports, flow metering skids, flame arrestors, safety items for the oil and gas industry, gas analysing meters and equipment etc.

post box.1896, postal code 112, ruwi, muscat, muscat, na, na


Representatives and distributors for world renowned manufacturers for products pertaining the "oil and gas industry" and Water industry.Products dealt by us include valves, instruments, pipe fittings, gaskets, pigging items, compressors,isolating joints, expansion joints, bellows, flanges, blinds, orifice plates, pumps, pipe supports, flow metering skids, flame arrestors, safety items for the oil and gas industry, gas analysing meters and equipment etc.



  • Compression Fittings
  • Compressors
  • flame arresors
  • flow metering skids
  • gas analysers
  • Gaskets
  • instruments
  • isolating joints
  • level guages
  • line pipe casing and tubing
  • manifold blocks
  • Orifice Plates
  • Pipe Supports
  • pipeline pigs
  • Pumps
  • Valves
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