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National Heat
Exchange Cleaning

Contact: Jim Soda V.P. Bus.Development
201 E. Commerce Street, Suite #310, Youngstown, OH, 44613

NHECC was founded in 1995 to market a newly patented technology for cleaning the shell side of heat exchangers and coolers, restoring their peak efficiency to a level previously unattainable with the traditional approaches, such as high pressure washing or a vat bubbling process. Differential-pressure monitoring gaurantees clean tube bundles in all applications. This new procedure utilizes a totally enclosed, self-contained cleaning unit: The Mobile Cooler Cleaner or MCC.

201 E. Commerce Street, Suite #310, Youngstown, OH, 44613


NHECC was founded in 1995 to market a newly patented technology for cleaning the shell side of heat exchangers and coolers, restoring their peak efficiency to a level previously unattainable with the traditional approaches, such as high pressure washing or a vat bubbling process. Differential-pressure monitoring gaurantees clean tube bundles in all applications. This new procedure utilizes a totally enclosed, self-contained cleaning unit: The Mobile Cooler Cleaner or MCC.



  • Cleaning Shell Side Heat Exchangers Tube Bundles
  • Cleaning Shell Side of Heat Exchangers and Coolers
  • Tube Bundle Water Jet Cleaning Systems
  • Tube Cleaning Service
* Teflon is a registered trademark of DuPont