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EDO Specialty

Contact: Benjamin McCurry, B.S.M.E.
15915 Perkins Road, P.O. Box 83277, Baton Rouge, LA, 70884-3277

EDO Specialty Plastics' primary business is the design, manufacturing, fabrication, and installation of fiberglass and advanced composite piping systems for new construction, expansion, and retrofit projects. The company conducts business throughout the world servicing the offshore oil and gas, petrochemical, pulp and paper, and marine industries. EDO Specialty Plastics' ability to offer these extensive services, from design support in the engineering phase, to manufacturing and shop fabrication, and finally to field assembly during installation, allows major construction projects to be completed more efficiently than if the systems were independently designed, then purchased as loose pipe and fittings, and finally field fabricated at the job site.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n

15915 Perkins Road, P.O. Box 83277, Baton Rouge, LA, 70884-3277


EDO Specialty Plastics' primary business is the design, manufacturing, fabrication, and installation of fiberglass and advanced composite piping systems for new construction, expansion, and retrofit projects. The company conducts business throughout the world servicing the offshore oil and gas, petrochemical, pulp and paper, and marine industries. EDO Specialty Plastics' ability to offer these extensive services, from design support in the engineering phase, to manufacturing and shop fabrication, and finally to field assembly during installation, allows major construction projects to be completed more efficiently than if the systems were independently designed, then purchased as loose pipe and fittings, and finally field fabricated at the job site.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n



  • Centrifugally Cast/Filament Wound FRP
  • Corrosion Resistant Pipe
  • Fiberglass & Advanced Composite Piping
  • Fiberglass & Advanced Composite Piping Systems
  • Fiberglass Flanges
  • Fiberglass Flanges & Joining Systems
  • Fiberglass Pipe & Fittings
  • Fiberglass Piping Systems
  • Flanges, Plastic
  • FRP Piping & Fittings
  • Mechanical Jointing Systems for FRP Pipe
  • Plastic Pipe
  • Plastic Pipe Fittings
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