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Contact: Josh Pierce
300 N. Elizabeth, Chicago, IL, 60607

Bird'X, Inc. offers a complete line of products for repelling birds. We've been recongized as the Bird Control "X-Perts" for over 30 years, and offer products to solve virtually any bird problem. We have experience with a wide variety of suituations, including schools, hospitals, government buildings and structures, museums, industrial, commercial and residential properties, and more. Products include ultrasonic and sonic repellers, visual scare devices, roost inhibitors and taste aversions. All are non-toxic, harmless and environmentally safe.

300 N. Elizabeth, Chicago, IL, 60607


Bird'X, Inc. offers a complete line of products for repelling birds. We've been recongized as the Bird Control "X-Perts" for over 30 years, and offer products to solve virtually any bird problem. We have experience with a wide variety of suituations, including schools, hospitals, government buildings and structures, museums, industrial, commercial and residential properties, and more. Products include ultrasonic and sonic repellers, visual scare devices, roost inhibitors and taste aversions. All are non-toxic, harmless and environmentally safe.



  • Bird Proof; Liquid or Gel Bird Repellent
  • BIRDNET, Bird Netting
  • QuadBlaster QB-4, Ultrasonic Bird Repeller
  • Super BirdXpeller PRO - Bird Repeller
  • Terror-Eyes "Moving Eye" Visual Scare Device
* Teflon is a registered trademark of DuPont