
The Fastest way to find Industrial Suppliers

Just Got Faster

The Fastest way to find Industrial Suppliers

Just Got Faster


Applied Training

Contact: Teresa Ricciardi
P.O. Box 691990, Houston, TX, 77269-1990

PRISM provides performance support, control room training, test delivery, record keeping and quick access to critical information through an SQL relational database.\r\n\r\nProcedure Maker provides easy creation, storage, retrieval, and integrated training and testing of new OSHA-compliant, object-oriented, operation or maintenance procedure.\r\n\r\nWorkFlow M.O.C. allows you to create a proposal, enter key tracking information, eletronically select and "attach" reference documents, and send it for approvals, with audit reports, through the plant's E-mail system.\r\n

P.O. Box 691990, Houston, TX, 77269-1990


PRISM provides performance support, control room training, test delivery, record keeping and quick access to critical information through an SQL relational database.\r\n\r\nProcedure Maker provides easy creation, storage, retrieval, and integrated training and testing of new OSHA-compliant, object-oriented, operation or maintenance procedure.\r\n\r\nWorkFlow M.O.C. allows you to create a proposal, enter key tracking information, eletronically select and "attach" reference documents, and send it for approvals, with audit reports, through the plant's E-mail system.\r\n



  • PRiSM & WorkFlow MOC
  • PRiSM & Workflow MOC, Procedure Maker
  • PRiSM-Quiz Development, CBT Developer
  • PRiSM-Quiz Development, CBT Developer
* Teflon is a registered trademark of DuPont