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Contact: Marlig Morse
132 Hopping Brook Rd., Holliston, MA, 1746

AMERICAN LEWA is part of the global LEWA group founded in 1952, with companies across Europe, and in Singapore and Brazil. LEWA offers the world's broadest and most versatile line of high performance pumps for metering, injection, blending, and controlled volume applications with an emphasis on low life cycle costs for minimum cost of ownership, ISO9001. Application assistance is free, and performance is guaranteed. Visit our website for full details on the LEWA Technology Advantage.\r\nA comprehensive range of high performance metering pumps in "building block" design allow performance and configuration to be tailored to the exact need, and optimized for space, budget and future expansion. Drive elements with adjustable or fixed stroke adjustment, and dual diaphragm or plunger pump heads may be "mixed or matched" to form a pump that can then be automated to any process control requirement with actuators or V/S drives. Multiplex assemblies of the larger range assemble into ideal process pumps with any number of pump heads in in-line or horizontally opposed arrangements. Advanced technologies protect the pump from process upsets, and provide reliability, long life, and low maintenance. Flows from 5ml/hr to 13,000+ gph, pressures to 17,000 psi. API674 & API 675. Complete packages available - standardized or custom engineered.\r\n\r\nAn alternative to a LEWA multiplex assembly to form a process pump above, the LEWAtriplex* was introduced in 1986 to offer proven LEWA dual-diaphragm leak-proof safety and security with a very compact and rugged monoblock triplex drive element. This high pressure process pump has been widely applied in sizes up to 45,000 gph and pressures up to 17,000 psi in on-shore and off-shore applications. Their small footprint with vertical motor mounting is a special advantage in tight locations such as on offshore platform, and their reliability is proven to be unparalleled. Double containment hydraulically actuated diaphragm pump heads are totally enclosed, and have built-in safeguards against mis-operation unique in the industry. Long service times, low maintenance, and low life cycle cost are their hallmark, even with problem or hazardous fluids such as methanol. API674 & API 675. Complete packages available - standardized or custom engineered.\r\n

132 Hopping Brook Rd., Holliston, MA, 1746


AMERICAN LEWA is part of the global LEWA group founded in 1952, with companies across Europe, and in Singapore and Brazil. LEWA offers the world's broadest and most versatile line of high performance pumps for metering, injection, blending, and controlled volume applications with an emphasis on low life cycle costs for minimum cost of ownership, ISO9001. Application assistance is free, and performance is guaranteed. Visit our website for full details on the LEWA Technology Advantage.\r\nA comprehensive range of high performance metering pumps in "building block" design allow performance and configuration to be tailored to the exact need, and optimized for space, budget and future expansion. Drive elements with adjustable or fixed stroke adjustment, and dual diaphragm or plunger pump heads may be "mixed or matched" to form a pump that can then be automated to any process control requirement with actuators or V/S drives. Multiplex assemblies of the larger range assemble into ideal process pumps with any number of pump heads in in-line or horizontally opposed arrangements. Advanced technologies protect the pump from process upsets, and provide reliability, long life, and low maintenance. Flows from 5ml/hr to 13,000+ gph, pressures to 17,000 psi. API674 & API 675. Complete packages available - standardized or custom engineered.\r\n\r\nAn alternative to a LEWA multiplex assembly to form a process pump above, the LEWAtriplex* was introduced in 1986 to offer proven LEWA dual-diaphragm leak-proof safety and security with a very compact and rugged monoblock triplex drive element. This high pressure process pump has been widely applied in sizes up to 45,000 gph and pressures up to 17,000 psi in on-shore and off-shore applications. Their small footprint with vertical motor mounting is a special advantage in tight locations such as on offshore platform, and their reliability is proven to be unparalleled. Double containment hydraulically actuated diaphragm pump heads are totally enclosed, and have built-in safeguards against mis-operation unique in the industry. Long service times, low maintenance, and low life cycle cost are their hallmark, even with problem or hazardous fluids such as methanol. API674 & API 675. Complete packages available - standardized or custom engineered.\r\n



  • AMERICAN LEWA Chemical Injection Process Skids
  • AMERICAN LEWA Custom Process Skids
  • AMERICAN LEWA Ecodos Pumps
  • AMERICAN LEWA HAMMELMANN Plunger Metering Pumps
  • AMERICAN LEWA Metering, Chemical Injection Pumps
  • AMERICAN LEWA Metering, Diaphragm Pumps
  • AMERICAN LEWA Metering, Plunger Pumps
  • AMERICAN LEWA Metering, Reciprocating Pumps
  • AMERICAN LEWA Modular Metering & Process Pumps
  • AMERICAN LEWA Positive Disp. Chem. Injection Pumps
  • AMERICAN LEWA Positive Disp. Diaphragm Pumps
  • AMERICAN LEWA Positive Disp. Reciprocating Pumps
  • AMERICAN LEWA Positive Displacement Plunger Pumps
  • AMERICAN LEWA Positive Displacement Sanitary Pumps
  • AMERICAN LEWA Positve Displacement Injection Pumps
  • AMERICAN LEWA Process Packaged Pumps
  • AMERICAN LEWA Process Skids, Pumps
  • AMERICAN LEWA Triplex Process Pumps
* Teflon is a registered trademark of DuPont