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Allcure Jema
Medicine & Safety

Contact: Bryant, Jr. Jerry
6223 Richmond Suite 203, Houston, TX, 77057

Allcure JEMA Medicine and Safety Services, Inc. is a privately held corporation doing business in Houston, Texas. Our present clentele include large corporations, hospitals, small businesses, and federal and state agencies.\r\n\r\nThe Allcure Advantage is in our unique distriution system. By making Allcure your one stop shop for products and services we are able to pass on the benefits of volume buying to your bottom line.

6223 Richmond Suite 203, Houston, TX, 77057


Allcure JEMA Medicine and Safety Services, Inc. is a privately held corporation doing business in Houston, Texas. Our present clentele include large corporations, hospitals, small businesses, and federal and state agencies.\r\n\r\nThe Allcure Advantage is in our unique distriution system. By making Allcure your one stop shop for products and services we are able to pass on the benefits of volume buying to your bottom line.



  • Coated Gloves
  • Disposable Clothing
  • Earplugs
  • Hearing Protection
  • Respirator Protection (Disposable 3M)
  • Safety Glasses
* Teflon is a registered trademark of DuPont