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Akzo Nobel Inc.

Contact: Paul E. Brooks Jr.
4730 Crittenden Dr. M.P.P. Systems, P.O. Box 37230, Louisville, KY, 40233-7230

MPP Systems, a new business activity of Akzo Nobel based on Macro Porous Polymers (MPP), offers a new and highly effective technology for removing hydrocarbon pollutants from water. Developed by Akzo Nobel these are integral systems that make use of porous polymer structures in an elegant process to remove both dispersed and dissolved hydrocarbons. They can be applied to the decontamination of Process Water, Ground Water and Waste Water.

4730 Crittenden Dr. M.P.P. Systems, P.O. Box 37230, Louisville, KY, 40233-7230


MPP Systems, a new business activity of Akzo Nobel based on Macro Porous Polymers (MPP), offers a new and highly effective technology for removing hydrocarbon pollutants from water. Developed by Akzo Nobel these are integral systems that make use of porous polymer structures in an elegant process to remove both dispersed and dissolved hydrocarbons. They can be applied to the decontamination of Process Water, Ground Water and Waste Water.



  • Groundwater Treatment Systems
  • Macro Porous Polymer Filtration System, AKZO Nobel
  • Macro Porous Polymer Filtration System, AKZO Nobel
  • Macro Porous Polymer Wastewater Filtration System
* Teflon is a registered trademark of DuPont