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Air Resources
Group, LLC

Contact: Paula Franchi
596 New Loudon Road, Lathem, NY, 12110

Our company specializes in air quality and regulatory services. Our goal is to provide consulting and technical services to assist industrial facilities in achieving and maintaining compliance with environmental and safety requirements. Our team of air quality professionals consists of environmental scientists, engineers, and regulatory personnel from industry and government. They bring to the table decades of regulatory and compliance experience in the areas of permitting support, air quality planning, management, emissions inventories, record keeping and reporting and client advocacy. Each has served clients in highly regulated industries including pulp and paper, manufacturing, printing, power/utilities, chemical, and mining. Our firm, although named for "air services," is, in fact, a comprehensive full service provider of environmental, health, and safety services. We provide a wide range of technical and regulatory support in the areas of: hazardous and solid waste, regulatory compliance, pollution control technologies, risk assessment, industrial hygiene, civil and chemical engineering, and mining and aggregates.

596 New Loudon Road, Lathem, NY, 12110


Our company specializes in air quality and regulatory services. Our goal is to provide consulting and technical services to assist industrial facilities in achieving and maintaining compliance with environmental and safety requirements. Our team of air quality professionals consists of environmental scientists, engineers, and regulatory personnel from industry and government. They bring to the table decades of regulatory and compliance experience in the areas of permitting support, air quality planning, management, emissions inventories, record keeping and reporting and client advocacy. Each has served clients in highly regulated industries including pulp and paper, manufacturing, printing, power/utilities, chemical, and mining. Our firm, although named for "air services," is, in fact, a comprehensive full service provider of environmental, health, and safety services. We provide a wide range of technical and regulatory support in the areas of: hazardous and solid waste, regulatory compliance, pollution control technologies, risk assessment, industrial hygiene, civil and chemical engineering, and mining and aggregates.



  • Air Emission Consulting
  • Air Pollution Control & Air Quality Service
  • Air Quality Modeling
  • Air Quality Permitting
  • Environmental Air Quality
  • Environmental Air Quality Management
  • Environmental Audits
  • Environmental Consulting
  • Environmental Consulting
  • Environmental Consulting, Permitting
  • Environmental Management & Consulting Services
  • Environmental Management, ISO 14000
  • Expert Testimony on Environmental Issues
  • Hazardous Waste Management
  • Solid Waste Management
  • Strategic Environmental Planning
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