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Sensor Electronics

Contact: Alan Peterson
5500 Lincoln Dr, Minneapolis, MN, 55436

Gas Detection Specialists\r\nHere at Sensor Electronics we have over a quarter-century of hands-on experience engineering, designing, installing, and maintaining toxic and explosive gas detection systems. Our detectors are at work on offshore platforms, pipelines, sterilization chambers, steel mills, bottling works, sewage-treatment plants, airports, semiconductor facilities and methane districts, even highway tunnels all over the world. And our detectors work for years - even decades - to safeguard your company and your customers from the dangers of toxic and explosive gases.

5500 Lincoln Dr, Minneapolis, MN, 55436


Gas Detection Specialists\r\nHere at Sensor Electronics we have over a quarter-century of hands-on experience engineering, designing, installing, and maintaining toxic and explosive gas detection systems. Our detectors are at work on offshore platforms, pipelines, sterilization chambers, steel mills, bottling works, sewage-treatment plants, airports, semiconductor facilities and methane districts, even highway tunnels all over the world. And our detectors work for years - even decades - to safeguard your company and your customers from the dangers of toxic and explosive gases.



  • Combustible & Toxic Gas Detection
  • Combustible Toxic Gas Detectors
  • Combustion Gas Detection for Toxic Gas
  • Gas Detection Systems
  • Hydrocarbon Analyzer
  • Infrared Combustible Gas Detection
  • Infrared Ultraviolet Flame Detectors
  • Open Path Gas Detectors
  • Optical Flame Detectors
  • Scan Ir Gas Detection
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