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The Fastest way to find Industrial Suppliers

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Safety Net, LLP

Contact: Randall S. Hall
4008 Vista Rd. Bldg. C., Suite 107, Pasadena, TX, 77505

Safety Net, LLP takes a realistic approach to issues involving occupational, environmental, health and safety. We realize that not all problems can be solved in the same manner, but we can strive to use proven methods that are cost-effective. Once problems are recognized, Safety Net, LLP has the responsibility to provide the client with practical solutions. We believe no one professional has "all" the answers. However our ten years of combined experience and networking provide us with the capabilities to quickly identify what will be the best for the client.

4008 Vista Rd. Bldg. C., Suite 107, Pasadena, TX, 77505


Safety Net, LLP takes a realistic approach to issues involving occupational, environmental, health and safety. We realize that not all problems can be solved in the same manner, but we can strive to use proven methods that are cost-effective. Once problems are recognized, Safety Net, LLP has the responsibility to provide the client with practical solutions. We believe no one professional has "all" the answers. However our ten years of combined experience and networking provide us with the capabilities to quickly identify what will be the best for the client.



  • Communication Systems - Confined Space
  • Confined Space Training & Consulting
  • Environmental, Health, and Safety Training
  • Respiratory Protection Fit Testing
* Teflon is a registered trademark of DuPont