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Contact: Vatche Artinian
361 Van Ness Way, Unit 401, Torrance, CA, 90501

CalNetix provides premium quality magnetic bearings and motor/generator systems. From prototype to production, all CalNetix products, including their components and assemblies, are subjected to rigorous testing utilizing the latest instrumentation and inspection techniques. We utilize 2-D and 3-D magnetic finet element analysis (ANSOFT MAXWELL) for accurate predictions of magnetic bearing and motor/generator performantce, and all designs are developed using Autocad and Orcad for easy interface with most other design software.

361 Van Ness Way, Unit 401, Torrance, CA, 90501


CalNetix provides premium quality magnetic bearings and motor/generator systems. From prototype to production, all CalNetix products, including their components and assemblies, are subjected to rigorous testing utilizing the latest instrumentation and inspection techniques. We utilize 2-D and 3-D magnetic finet element analysis (ANSOFT MAXWELL) for accurate predictions of magnetic bearing and motor/generator performantce, and all designs are developed using Autocad and Orcad for easy interface with most other design software.



  • Magnetic Bearings
  • Magnetic Couplings
  • Magnetic Drives
  • Magnetic Drives for Industrial Rotating Equipment
  • Motor / Generator Systems
  • Motor Generators
* Teflon is a registered trademark of DuPont