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The Fastest way to find Industrial Suppliers

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AIM Market

Contact: Marc Liebman
3380 Babcock Blvd., Pittsburgh, PA, 15237

AIM Market Research provides industrial marketing consulting, market research and development services. Established in 1988. 270 projects completed as of Dec 2000.AIM Market Research has extensive knowledge of the metals industry, established contacts and an ongoing dialogue with key new technology decision makers at many ferrous and non-ferrous metals companies. We have also been active in market research and development in environmental, occupation health and safety, mining and automation and information technology.We can assist you by providing: \r\n1) Market Analysis - Evaluating specific industrial markets for a new technology, product or service. 2) Market Development - Seeking and identifying prospects for a new technology, product or service. 3) Marketing Consulting Services - Providing assistance in market planning and strategy, including market analysis, market strategy and development of a market plan. All of our market research projects involve both secondary and primary market research. We also have ongoing Market Development contracts with many firms that supply products and services to industry. Our market research efforts encompass a wide variety of applications in various industries.

3380 Babcock Blvd., Pittsburgh, PA, 15237


AIM Market Research provides industrial marketing consulting, market research and development services. Established in 1988. 270 projects completed as of Dec 2000.AIM Market Research has extensive knowledge of the metals industry, established contacts and an ongoing dialogue with key new technology decision makers at many ferrous and non-ferrous metals companies. We have also been active in market research and development in environmental, occupation health and safety, mining and automation and information technology.We can assist you by providing: \r\n1) Market Analysis - Evaluating specific industrial markets for a new technology, product or service. 2) Market Development - Seeking and identifying prospects for a new technology, product or service. 3) Marketing Consulting Services - Providing assistance in market planning and strategy, including market analysis, market strategy and development of a market plan. All of our market research projects involve both secondary and primary market research. We also have ongoing Market Development contracts with many firms that supply products and services to industry. Our market research efforts encompass a wide variety of applications in various industries.



  • Marketing Consultation
  • Marketplace Research
  • Project Intelligence Before Announcement
  • Survey Work
  • Technical Writing - Documentation Services
* Teflon is a registered trademark of DuPont